
NATO is planning mass elimination in Tripoli, Libya.

Specially for it information about 50 000 of captives kept in tunnels under Tripoli is being spreaded. Only those who have never heard about Gabbles can trust it. If Gaddafi really had such a trump card, the tribe war in Libya would be finished. But it is not a tribe war, it is actions of nowadays cannibals.


Tripoli does not give up. Every day, every hour NATO faces fierce resistance. Nobody wants to be captured as it’s the same that to be killed. Who needs it? What can this info stuffing lead to? Nobody heard about such number of captives before. And just now it was put into media sources. Why?


NATO is planning to kill civilians in Tripoli who fight the aggressor? Who struggle the NATO forces and Al Qaida members working together. Civilians fight against NATO that’s why NATO wants to kill them. Everyone! Eldery people, kids – they all will be considered Gaddafi’s soldiers. We have already seen movies about children killed by bombs…


But grown up men can be easily considered rebels killed by Gaddafi/ Why not? This lie is worse than lie about the Green Square recorded in Qatar or about Gaddafi’s soldiers killed in Majure village (in fact 12 families were burned there)


Their appetite grows. They are ready to kill 50 000 people. Or 25 000, because during the first assault of Tripoli practically the same amount of people died. One more try to get rid of those who don’t want to give up?


Sure. Nothing will stop the cannibals. There will be lots of victims. Glory to heroes who have died and will die for their Motherland.


Tripoli will not be taken. The will of people will not be broken.

We will win!

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