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Proofs that NATO already break UN resolution many times, and is responsible for crime against humanity:
  1. Troops on ground  
As Moussa Ibrahim confirms in his speech on 09/18/2011:
“Moussa Ibrahim: We confirm the arrest of 19  NATO soldiers,15 British,2 French and 1 from an Asian country ( we cant know this moment what country he comes from ).
Captured french soldiers in  Bani Walid: Jaques monse:35 - alan abano:29 - Mark moren:31 / SAS - Henry richardson:26 - Ryan kirk:37 –
We will surprise them ,we will go out from the sand ,the sand will fight with us.“
Video of Moussa Ibrahim speech:
This is another evidence of the participation of NATO ground troops on the territory of Libya :
  1. Videos bombing of houses - against the law & UN resolution 1973

NATO bombed the hospital in Sirte. Immobile eldery patients, new born babies and their mothers, bed – ridden children, wounded soldiers with imputated arms and legs – all of them were murdered. Was that a legitimate target?

NATO bombed the residential area in Sirte. The whole families, grannies, parents, children were murdered at sleep. The corps of killed civilians so carbonated they are unrecognizable. Was that a legitimate target?

NATO carpet bombed the streets of Sirte. More than 2000  innocent, unarmed, common people were murdered. People like the one you and I meet when we go to the supermarket in the morning. They’ll see no more sun rise. Were they a legitimate target?

Did NATO bomb Sirte for democracy sake?
If so, to hell with such democracy!
Their democracy brings DEATH to the innocent!
Their democracy is only a pretty name for GREED, ROBBERY and SAVAGENESS !
Death should be a just sentence for those who murder the innocent in the name of such “democracy”.

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