

 mission@algeria-un.org, themission@angolaun.org, unmission@abgov.org, nyconsulate@abgov.org, argentina@un.int, mission@bahamasny.com, newyork@bahrainmission.org, angladesh@un.int, belmission.contact@gmail.com, belarus@un.int, newyorkUN@diplobel.fed.be, newyorkUN@diplobel.be, blzun@belizemission.com, beninewyork@gmail.com, bhutan@un.int, delbrasonu@delbrasonu.org, info@bruneiembassy.org, cambodia@un.int, canada@un.int, prmny@international.gc.ca, capeverde@un.int, contacto@chileabroad.gov.cl, chinamission_un@fmprc.gov.cn, colombia@colombiaun.org, comoros@un.int, congo@un.int, missioncostaricaun@yahoo.com, cotedivoire@un.int, cotedivoiremission@yahoo.com, cyprus@un.int, nycmis@um.dk, djibouti@nyct.net, domun@onecommonwealth.org, drun@un.int, missionecuador@nyct.net, elsalvador@un.int, equatorialguineamission@yahoo.com, Mission.NewYork@mfa.ee, ethiopia@un.int, mission@fijiprun.org, sanomat.yke@formin.fi, france@franceonu.org, gabon@un.int, gambia@un.int, ghanaperm@aol.com, info@greeceun.org, grenada@un.int, guyana@un.int, haiti@un.int, honduras_un@hotmail.com, new.missions@kum.hu, titkarsag.new@kum.hu, unmission@mfa.is, india@un.int, ind_general@indiaun.net, ptri@indonesiamission-ny.org, iran@un.int, info.italyun@esteri.it, jamaica@un.int, missionun@jordanmissionun.com, kazakhstan@un.int, infokenya@kenyaun.org, jojiambo@kenyaun.org, jmugodo@kenyaun.org, ssalim@kenyaun.org, kabagerobert@kenyaun.org, lao@un.int, mission.un-ny@mfa.gov.lv, lebanon@nyct.net, postmaster@liberia-un.org, ltuun@undp.org, newyork.rp@mae.etat.lu, repermad@verizon.net, MalawiU@aol.com, MalawiNewyork@aol.com, malnyun@kln.gov.my, malionu@aol.com, marshallislands@un.int, mauritania@un.int, mauritius@un.int, mongolia@un.int, mozambique@un.int, myanmarmission@verizon.net, namibia@un.int, nepal@un.int, netherlands@un.int, nicaragua@un.int, nigerun@aol.com, delun@mfa.no, oman@un.int, info@pakun.org, mission.pakistan@ties.itu.int, mission@palauun.org, paraguay@un.int, onuper@unperu.org, newyork.pm@dfa.gov.ph, newyorkpm@gmail.com, nowyjork.onz.sekretariat@msz.gov.pl, korea@un.int, unmoldova@aol.com, misiune@romaniaun.org, romania@un.int, rusun@un.int, sknmission@aol.com, mission@svg-un.org, samoa@un.int, senegal.mission@yahoo.fr, seychelles@un.int, sierraleone@un.int, sierraleonemission@verizon.net, singpm_nyc@sgmfa.gov.sg, un.newyork@mzv.sk, mny@gov.si, simun@foreignaffairs-solomons.org, somalia@un.int, mail@slmission.com, sudan@sudanmission.org, suriname@un.int, swaziland@un.int, sweden@un.int, vertretung-UN@nyc.rep.admin.ch, syrianmission@verizonmail.com, tajikistan@un.int, tajikistanun@verizon.net, thailand@un.int, tto@un.int, turkmenistan@un.int, tuvalu@onecommonwealth.org, info@ugandamissionunny.net, ugandaunny@un.int, uae@uaemission.com, tzny@tanzania-un.org, uruguay@un.int, uzbekistan@un.int, vanunmis@aol.com, misionvene@venezuelaonu.gob.ve, info@vietnam-un.org, zambia@un.int, zimbabwe@un.int

Proofs that NATO already break UN resolution many times, and is responsible for crime against humanity:
  1. Troops on ground  
As Moussa Ibrahim confirms in his speech on 09/18/2011:
“Moussa Ibrahim: We confirm the arrest of 19  NATO soldiers,15 British,2 French and 1 from an Asian country ( we cant know this moment what country he comes from ).
Captured french soldiers in  Bani Walid: Jaques monse:35 - alan abano:29 - Mark moren:31 / SAS - Henry richardson:26 - Ryan kirk:37 –
We will surprise them ,we will go out from the sand ,the sand will fight with us.“
Video of Moussa Ibrahim speech:
This is another evidence of the participation of NATO ground troops on the territory of Libya :
  1. Videos bombing of houses - against the law & UN resolution 1973

NATO bombed the hospital in Sirte. Immobile eldery patients, new born babies and their mothers, bed – ridden children, wounded soldiers with imputated arms and legs – all of them were murdered. Was that a legitimate target?

NATO bombed the residential area in Sirte. The whole families, grannies, parents, children were murdered at sleep. The corps of killed civilians so carbonated they are unrecognizable. Was that a legitimate target?

NATO carpet bombed the streets of Sirte. More than 2000  innocent, unarmed, common people were murdered. People like the one you and I meet when we go to the supermarket in the morning. They’ll see no more sun rise. Were they a legitimate target?

Did NATO bomb Sirte for democracy sake?
If so, to hell with such democracy!
Their democracy brings DEATH to the innocent!
Their democracy is only a pretty name for GREED, ROBBERY and SAVAGENESS !
Death should be a just sentence for those who murder the innocent in the name of such “democracy”.


Libya: Media war, lies and propaganda

Peaceful Rebels and protectors from NATO - a closer look

NATO Rats Causualties as they try to launch an attack on Sirte, NATO Crimes In Libya

From 17.06 - 31.07.11, 5 Million Libyans Demonstrated so Far Against NATO and its Rebels attacks, Killing Thousands of Libyan Men, Women & Children, and Still Intent on Breaking Their Free Spirit and Stealing Their Wealth.
The Libyan People Are the Only Legitimate People to Decide Who Represents Them and to Determine Their Own Future..

85 dead Libyan civilians are less worth than 7 Israelis - Mr Ceccaldi (Lawyer of the Libyan state)

Interview with Mr Ceccaldi, (Lawyer of the Libyan state), upon his return from Tripoli raided by the NATO. August 24, 2011

Michel Collon about the intervention in Libya, English Subtitles

Michel Collon about the intervention in Libya and the "media-lies" of Occident


Recollections of My Life – Mu’ummar Gaddafi

By Col. Mu’ummar Qaddafi; Translated by Professor Sam Hamod, Ph.D.
Recollections of My Life: Col. Mu’ummar Qaddafi, The Leader of the Revolution. April 8, 2011.
April 09, 2011 “Information Clearing House” – In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful…
For 40 years, or was it longer, I can’t remember, I did all I could to give people houses, hospitals, schools, and when they were hungry, I gave them food, I even made Benghazi into farmland from the desert, I stood up to attacks from that cowboy Reagan, when he killed my adopted orphaned daughter, he was trying to kill me, instead he killed that poor innocent child, then I helped my brothers and sisters from Africa with money for the African Union, did all I could to help people understand the concept of real democracy, where people’s committees ran our country, but that was never enough, as some told me, even people who had 10 room homes, new suits and furniture, were never satisfied, as selfish as they were they wanted more, and they told Americans and other visitors, they needed “democracy,” and “freedom,” never realizing it was a cut throat system, where the biggest dog eats the rest, but they were enchanted with those words, never realizing that in America, there was no free medicine, no free hospitals, no free housing, no free education and no free food, except when people had to beg or go to long lines to get soup, no, no matter what I did, it was never enough for some, but for others, they knew I was the son of Gamal Abdel Nasser, the only true Arab and Muslim leader we’ve had since Salah’ a’ Deen, when he claimed the Suez Canal for his people, as I claimed Libya, for my people, it was his footsteps I tried to follow, to keep my people free from colonial domination – from thieves who would steal from us –
Now, I am under attack by the biggest force in military history, my little African son, Obama wants to kill me, to take away the freedom of our country, to take away our free housing, our free medicine, our free education, our free food, and replace it with American style thievery, called “capitalism,” but all of us in the Third World know what that means, it means corporations run the countries, run the world, and the people suffer, so, there is no alternative for me, I must make my stand, and if Allah wishes, I shall die by following his path, the path that has made our country rich with farmland, with food and health, and even allowed us to help our African and Arab brothers and sisters to work here with us, in the Libyan Jammohouriyah.
I do not wish to die, but if it comes to that, to save this land, my people, all the thousands who are all my children, then so be it.
Let this testament be my voice to the world, that I stood up to crusader attacks of NATO, stood up to cruelty, stood up to betrayal, stood up the West and its colonialist ambitions, and that I stood with my African brothers, my true Arab and Muslim brothers, as a beacon of light, when others were building castles, I lived in a modest house, and in a tent, I never forgot my youth in Sirte, I did not spend our national treasury foolishly, and like Salah’a’deen, our great Muslim leader, who rescued Jerusalem for Islam, I took little for myself…
In the West, some have called me “mad,” “crazy,” but they know the truth but continue to lie, they know that our land is independent and free, not in the colonial grip, that my vision, my path, is, and has been clear and for my people and that I will fight to my last breath to keep us free, may Allah almighty help us to remain faithful and free.
c: Col. Mu’ummar Qaddafi, 4.5.11
Copyright Col. Mu’ummar Qaddafi, – Professor Sam Hamod – Information Clearing House.

Humanitarian NATO war in Libya إنسانية قصف الناتو لليبيا

أوباما، ساركوزي، كم طفلاً قتلتم هذه الليلة- ميشيل كولون يحقق في "انسانية قصف الناتو لليبيا"
Obama, Sarkozy, combien d'enfants vous avez tue cette nuit?
Michel Collon enquete sur un bombardment "humanitaire" de l'Otan en Libye.

NATO bombs Libyan civilians and blames it on "Technical issue"

NATO bombs mass civilians(including a little boy on his 4th birthday) and blames it on technical fault. this are just some of the thousands of innocent civilians the NATO and their has murdered which are not reported by CNN, BBC,Al Jazeera or any of the MAINSTREAM media.

Libya more BBC lies. MUST WATCH.

BBC caught in the act. this is just too rich. its actually become a joke now. a sad, boring joke. thats how stupid they think we are. NATO are bombing anything that moves. the rebels are looting, murdering everyone, raping, lynching black people and burning hospitals, schools.

Tripoli / Abu Salim: The "humanitarian" genocide, Libya

LIBYA, the real people of libya. the truth

millions of libyan people supporting Gaddafi and protesting against nato. these are 5 million people in tripoli supporting gaddafi. and these people are only the ones that made the trip to tripoli. NONE of these was shown on CNN,BBC,AL JAZZERA. open your minds people.


USA and their fight for "PEACE"

You are the next! -- > KILING HOPE
-- U.S. Military and CIA Interventions since World War II --
+ Japan (Nagasaki & Hiroshima)
1. China - 1945 to 1960s: Was Mao Tse-tung just paranoid?
2. Italy - 1947-1948: Free elections, Hollywood style
3. Greece - 1947 to early 1950s: From cradle of democracy to client state
4. The Philippines - 1940s and 1950s: America's oldest colony
5. Korea - 1945-1953: Was it all that it appeared to be?
6. Albania - 1949-1953: The proper English spy
7. Eastern Europe - 1948-1956: Operation Splinter Factor
8. Germany - 1950s: Everything from juvenile delinquency to terrorism
9. Iran - 1953: Making it safe for the King of Kings
10. Guatemala - 1953-1954: While the world watched
11. Costa Rica - Mid-1950s: Trying to topple an ally - Part 1
12. Syria - 1956-1957: Purchasing a new government
13. Middle East - 1957-1958: The Eisenhower Doctrine claims another backyard for America
14. Indonesia - 1957-1958: War and pornography
15. Western Europe - 1950s and 1960s: Fronts within fronts within fronts
16. British Guiana - 1953-1964: The CIA's international labor mafia
17. Soviet Union - Late 1940s to 1960s: From spy planes to book publishing
18. Italy - 1950s to 1970s: Supporting the Cardinal's orphans and techno-fascism
19. Vietnam - 1950-1973: The Hearts and Minds Circus
20. Cambodia - 1955-1973: Prince Sihanouk walks the high-wire of neutralism
21. Laos - 1957-1973: L'Armée Clandestine
22. Haiti - 1959-1963: The Marines land, again
23. Guatemala - 1960: One good coup deserves another
24. France/Algeria - 1960s: L'état, c'est la CIA
25. Ecuador - 1960-1963: A text book of dirty tricks
26. The Congo - 1960-1964: The assassination of Patrice Lumumba
27. Brazil - 1961-1964: Introducing the marvelous new world of death squads
28. Peru - 1960-1965: Fort Bragg moves to the jungle
29. Dominican Republic - 1960-1966: Saving democracy from communism by getting rid of democracy
30. Cuba - 1959 to 1980s: The unforgivable revolution
31. Indonesia - 1965: Liquidating President Sukarno … and 500,000 others
East Timor - 1975: And 200,000 more
32. Ghana - 1966: Kwame Nkrumah steps out of line
33. Uruguay - 1964-1970: Torture -- as American as apple pie
34. Chile - 1964-1973: A hammer and sickle stamped on your child's forehead
35. Greece - 1964-1974: "Fuck your Parliament and your Constitution," said
the President of the United States
36. Bolivia - 1964-1975: Tracking down Che Guevara in the land of coup d'etat
37. Guatemala - 1962 to 1980s: A less publicized "final solution"
38. Costa Rica - 1970-1971: Trying to topple an ally -- Part 2
39. Iraq - 1972-1975: Covert action should not be confused with missionary work
40. Australia - 1973-1975: Another free election bites the dust
41. Angola - 1975 to 1980s: The Great Powers Poker Game
42. Zaire - 1975-1978: Mobutu and the CIA, a marriage made in heaven
43. Jamaica - 1976-1980: Kissinger's ultimatum
44. Seychelles - 1979-1981: Yet another area of great strategic importance
45. Grenada - 1979-1984: Lying -- one of the few growth industries in Washington
46. Morocco - 1983: A video nasty
47. Suriname - 1982-1984: Once again, the Cuban bogeyman
48. Libya - 1981-1989: Ronald Reagan meets his match
49. Nicaragua - 1981-1990: Destabilization in slow motion
50. Panama - 1969-1991: Double-crossing our drug supplier
51. Bulgaria 1990/Albania 1991: Teaching communists what democracy is all about
52. Iraq - 1990-1991: Desert holocaust
53. Afghanistan - 1979-1992: America's Jihad
54. El Salvador - 1980-1994: Human rights, Washington style
55. Haiti - 1986-1994: Who will rid me of this turbulent priest?
56. Iraq 1991-2002
57. Kuwait 1991
58 Somalia 1992-94
59. Republic of Serbs at Krajina 1994
60. Bosnia 1995
61. Iran 1998 (airliner)
62. Sudan 1998
63. Afghanistan 1998
64. Serbia 1999
65. Afghanistan 2001-02
66. Libya 2011
67. Ivory Coast 2011


09/02/2011 Gaddafi's Speech

the name of God the Merciful
first of all i Congratulating you for Eid Alfeter Almubark , and i read Quran for our martyrdom whom give their blood for our land and they still give blood for Libya to not to be colony to France or to the trait...ors or anybody else from the crusaders , I tell you the colony will be finished and also the traitors , Traitors and agents can't continuous because they don't have ability don't have Supporters , they are agents to the colony and the colony unaccepted to the people , Now NATO is being destroyed and they are looking for exist , the Power of people can't be handed to them , women can't handed to them , Libyan people want to rule theirselves , martyrdom can't be forgotten , tribes who lost their sons can't forget this , you want to rule Libyan people ? are they animals to rule them ? they will be finished to soon , you have to Continued resistance , Tripoli have to Continued resistance in every area of Tripoli , attack their chick point , and do chick point as they do , every tribe have to control an area in Tripoli and youth too , and make chick point in streets , don't fear them , you are millions so attack them from everywhere , who can control the armed Alnwahi Alrabaa ? who can control Warshfanaa tribe ? they will never can , Who can control the armed Ben Walled ? who can control the armed Sirte , now all tribes is armed , Ben walled , Sirte , Sabha , Aljfarah , Misurata , who aren't armed ? our brothers in Barqa ( east ) and we can't got them their , who can contol Ben Waled or Almashashia Tribe ? without permissions of these tribes you can't cross , you are armed make it hell to them , of course the enemy have Advanced technology they don't want you to listen to my voice and they destroyed our TV , and they fear of my voice , it's so dangerous to the conlony to hear me , if we contact with tribes that's dangerous on colony and the agents of colony , but this is all improve that the enemy is weak , if they are not weak they will not bomb the TV and they will allow us to contact with each other , and they afraid of our tribes to be in contact , this is all improve that they are weak , and only to impose you to watch they channels , this is improve that they are weak , they why they are afraid of my voice to be listened by Libyan people ? because they are weak and afraid , this is a trick , all what you are listening is lies , false , let it long war until we win , they can't rule libya because we are armed , they have to Surrender front of Libyan people , they don't have anything only agents , the colony will not be here always it will be finished soon , NATO willn't protect those agents all life , they want you to afraid because they don't have breath , they cut all communications because they don't have breathe , they made this plan to occupy oil and our Land . So don't give up to those agents .


Everyone must publish thisGenocide will be the night in the city of SirteWill be killing all the innocent people who are in SirteThey said the deadline a week is not for the peopleRather, they are preparing to attack the first and lastNow in Sirte, there are no media and no phoneMust publish This messagePlease..... will kill any person who is in Sirte, LibyaPlease spread the message to all the countries of the world


9/11 Whistleblower Susan Lindauer: 'Libyan Opposition Is Al-Qaeda' NATO Working With Al CIAeda!

85 dead Libyan civilians are less worth than 7 Israelis - Mr Ceccaldi (Lawyer of the Libyan state)

Interview with Mr Ceccaldi, (Lawyer of the Libyan state), upon his return from Tripoli raided by the NATO. August 24, 2011

Libya: The information industry "reports" - a closer look ...

Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review: Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

Human Rights Council
Sixteenth session
Agenda item 6
Universal Periodic Review
Report of the Working Group on the Universal
Periodic Review*
Libyan Arab



‫الله أكبر الله اكبر
والله أكبر فوق كيد المعتدي
الله للمظلوم خير مؤيد
أنا باليقين وبالسلاح سأفتدي
بلدي ونور الحق يسطع في يدي
قولوا معي قولوا معي
الله الله الله أكبر
الله فوق المعتدي
God is greatest! God is greatest!
And God is greatest above plots of the aggressors,
And God is the best helper of the oppressed.
With faith and with weapons I shall defend my country,
And the light of truth will shine in my hand.
Say with me! Say with me!
God, God, God is greatest!
God is above any attacker.

يا هذه الدنيا أطلي واسمعي
جيش الأعادي جاء يبغي مصرعي
بالحق سوف أرده وبمدفعي
فإذا فنيت فسوف أفنيه معي
قولوا معي قولوا معي
الله الله الله اكبر
الله فوق المعتدي
Oh this world, watch and listen:
The enemy came coveting my position,
I shall fight with Truth and defences
And if I die, I'll take him with me!
Say it with me, say it with me:
God , God , God is greatest!
God is above any attacker!

الله أكبر الله اكبر
قولوا معي الويل للمستعمر
وﷲ فوق الغادر المتجبر
الله أكبر يا بلادي كبري
وخذي بناصية المغير ودمري
قولوا معي قولوا معي
الله الله الله أكبر
الله فوق المعتدي
God is Great God is Great
Say With Me Woe To The Enemy :
And God is Over The Invader Egotist,
God Greatest My Country Say with Me :
And Behold of Enemys Forelock and Destroy it
Say it with me, say it with me:
God , God , God is the Greatest
God is above any attacker!‬

Rebel kissing its Great Master

NEVER Surrender!

NATO protect civillians

Rebel and "FREEDOM"

God is with GADDAFI



Appeal for help ..
the city of Tawargha expose to racial and ethnic displa...cing campaign by NATO rebels of Misurata as punishment for its legendary steadfastness in face of collaborators and traitors, the armed gangs has burning of the houses and displacing of the families and abduction of the men and get them to unknown places and intimidate the women .... So let us to rescue Tawargha, please share it and spread it to all over the world!

كلمة القائد معمر القذافي1-9-2011

‎"Traitors can not be respected,they will be finished.
There are too many problems beetween the traitors and NATO!
Libyans willl not surender and will not accept to be governed like animals.
NATO is afraid of Libyans, thats why they destroyed everything, bombed the phone lines, TV station, they thought that they will silence our voice,but they failed, we will fight them in every city and village, we are not afraid!
They are even afraid of my voice, only my voice.. we will not give Libya to France just like that, we will fight we will make them spend & spend & spend until they are gone.
Libyans need to fight, they need to fight very strongly, don't give up,,, those traitors are cowards, they will run away if you keep on fighting.
Fight will go on and the traitors will surender because they don’t have enough people to support them, Libyan tribes will never surrender."

Celebrating First September - Muammar al Gaddafi 42 years rules

Happy 1st Septembar! We believe in brave Libyan people and Muammar Gaddafi! RESIST AGAINST KILLERS FROM NATO & USA! You will win!


Devastated Iraqi Woman

Iraqi woman, devastated by the loss of her family members due to U.S. bombings, pleads for help from God. In another time and place, this could be your grandmother.

Libyan Rebel gets ass kicked with words! [English]

NATO-loving-rebel gets pwnd.

Anonymous - Operation FREE LIBYA - WAKE UP !

The Rape of Libya
NATO Special Forces on the Ground

The bitter truth - ( LIBYA)

Fierce Gunbattle in Tripoli Streets, Smoke from air attacks 26.08.11

FREE LIBYA - 25.08.2011 - UPLOAD THIS - Stop the EU / NATO rats!

FREE LIBYA - 25.08.2011 - All people in the world supports Jamahirya - Stop the EU / NATO WAR!

FREE LIBYA - 25.08.11 - Appeal to all people in the world! The Libyan genocide must be stopped!

FREE LIBYA - 25.08.11 - Viva Muammar Gaddafi, Libya And Its People

Muammar Gaddafi is Our HERO

3 Big Lies About the U.S./NATO War on Libya

Distribute the flyer and combat the corporate media lies!

Big Lie #1: This is a "humanitarian intervention" to "protect civilians"

Reality: Over 1,100 Libyan civilians have died as a result of the U.S./NATO bombing. The sanctions that the West has put on Libya has led to severe shortages of medical supplies and water supplies are running low. As with the invasion of Iraq, Washington has tried to minimize the fact of civilian destruction.

Big Lie #2: The U.S. government wants to "foster democracy" the Middle East

Reality: Libya has the largest oil reserves in Africa, which makes it a prize for the United States, France, Britain and Italy. They want regime change in Libya so the government does their bidding. These same countries that pretend to care about "democracy" have supported vicious dictatorships in Egypt, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia.

Big Lie #3: The Libyan people want and support the intervention

Reality: There have been enormous demonstrations in Libya AGAINST the bombing: One million have rallied in Tripoli, hundreds of thousands in Sabha (southern Libya), and tens of thousands in smaller cities. That's in a country of only 6 million people! The Libyan rebels asked for the bombing, because that is how they plan to take power—but they DO NOT speak for the Libyan people as a whole.

Two out of every three people in this country are against the war on Libya. Now it is time to take action!

Stop the War! Libya is for Libyans—U.S. Hands Off!

Download and distribute this PDF flyer in your neighborhood, workplace and school!


The Use of Photoshopped Material to Fool the People in Tripoli? (August 17, 2011)

Tripoli: Media blackout, why?

The NATO approach to freedom of expression is threatening independent journalists, closing social network accounts, blocking Twitter and hacking into websites. For some reason it must be. Despite these Fascist policies, those who have felt millions of people gathering around us, desperate for information, have a duty to say what is going on.
For all of those who have been contacting me daily, asking for new information, desperate to hear some news in the midst of NATO's media blackout and lies about how the "Gaddafy regime collapsed", in first place, God Bless you and in second place, indeed you represent the hearts and minds of the international community. Of that I have no doubt. From Manila to Moscow, Russia, where according to a recent poll 91% of the population supports Muammar al-Qathafi, from Sydney to Strasbourg, from Brasilia to Bangkok.
For all these good people, who respect international law and who abhor NATO's act of butchery followed by thieving of a sovereign nation's resources, even before the fight is over, who abhor NATO's supporting of Al-Qaeda elements and backing of racist thugs who slaughtered Negroes in the streets, here is what I have.
It is impossible for me to sit at my keyboard outside Libya and declare that I am the guardian of the truth. Indeed, I have very rarely written anything other than opinion-editorial pieces on Libya because I do not have my eyes on the ground. The eyes on the ground I have used are independent journalists, who have now been silenced, and eye witnesses inside Libya.
These are either people I already knew there, after working for years in media covering Africa (I was a partner and international director of a media group covering the continent and built up many contacts and continue to be active in several Pan African projects) or else those I have contacted through the Internet, with families in Libya or those supposedly in Libya themselves. With the Internet you never know. Who appears to be perfectly credible could be some punk in a basement apartment in New York, or the girl next door having some fun. The secret is to filter and vet those who claim to be who and what they are...in this case, filter number one, do they speak Arabic? If not, thank you and bye bye. Filter two, what is their e-mail address? If it is anything connected with Libya, then my interest is aroused.
What we have to do is to respect all sources, treat them all as possibly credible but then confront what they say with the information we are receiving. Unfortunately, the western media has been a disgrace, so much so that I have cancelled SKY, BBC, CNN and Al-Jazeera from my cable package because they might manipulate the truth and dupe themselves but they cannot call the international community stupid.
We all know very well what happened, and even before they tried it on, we were all informed about the "alternative Tripoli" built in Qatar and filmed there (some say India) and we have all seen the discrepancies between the different "Tripolis" we were shown.
I am not a dream seller. I know very well if I declared that Colonel Gaddafi's forces had routed NATO and defeated the terrorists who ran amok in the Libyan capital beheading people in the streets, raping women and girls, torching buildings and looting (many of them foreigners) there would be a collective cheer so loud I would hear it from where I sit.
What I can say is the following. NATO's media blackout, why? What are they afraid of? Why have independent journalists been threatened? Why have their social network accounts been hacked and closed and why have their Twitter accounts been blocked? As usual, we are dealing with pith-headed simpletons because obviously these days anyone who has a social network account has already informed the members of emails and alternative means of contact.
Secondly, if NATO's campaign was going so well, then why are there thousands of mercenaries in Tripoli, from British to French to Germans to Qataris? Why is NATO arming the "rebels"? Why is NATO putting boots on the ground? Why is NATO bombing Libyan Armed Forces positions? Obviously it is not going well, because NATO has been unable to fight the fight using the original laws covering the conflict and adhering to the rules of engagement.
It is like a boxing match where one fighter, when losing, pulls a gun and shoots his opponent. Is that called winning?
Thirdly, in the absence of media reports due to NATO's democratic blackout (freedom of expression, eh what?) what I can say categorically is that in Tripoli massacres are being perpetrated by the terrorist scourge NATO supports. This has been backed up by countless eye witnesses living inside the capital who have seen the most horrific violations of human rights - another feather in NATO's cap. This raises the question, what on Earth were Cameron and Hague, Obama and Clinton, Sarkozy and Juppe thinking when they aided and funded these fanatics?
Quite where the lines are drawn is very difficult to say with any accuracy because reporting without sources makes this impossible. What the blackout has done is to give NATO and its mercenaries and, allegedly, thousands of special forces (violation of UNSC Resolutions covering this conflict), freedom to take the capital city before the TV comes back on and we are shown the result. I am receiving reports of carpet bombing by NATO aircraft aiding the terrorists against the Government forces.
The information NATO is giving is that the city has been taken. The information from the British Foreign and Commonwealth office is that the city has not been taken. The information from the ground is that it is far from taken. Indeed, South African President Jacob Zuma declared on Friday that most of it is in the hands of the Libyan Government - and there is only one Libyan government, that of the Jamahiriya, loyal to Muammar al-Qathafi. This would explain the media blackout.
This is the situation today. Tomorrow, nobody can say. Elsewhere, the NATO/terrorists occupy part of Misratah and are blocked outside al-Brega, while NATO has taken to frenetic and savage bombing attacks against Sirte.
Whatever the outcome, and to be frank, nobody can tell what will happen if this escalates (the Libyan Armed Forces have plenty of options at their disposal should they care to use them) the fact that NATO has resorted to breaking all the rules of engagement and all the laws covering this conflict says it all. True, in the end it could carpet-nuke Tripoli and invade it with 40 armies.
But is that winning? Does the boxer win his match if he shoots his opponent? Remember, the Libyan Armed Forces have, since the beginning, been defending themselves and the civilian population from marauding gangs of terrorists, whose massacre of civilians, including pro-Gaddafi forces, gave NATO its casus belli, just like Saddam's WMD.
One final question. How will NATO explain the thousands of deaths its troops and its mercenaries are suffering? The thing is, whatever the outcome, Colonel Gaddafi's forces stood and fought back. That makes him a hero and NATO a villain, and the history book will be implacable for Messrs. Obama, Cameron and Sarkozy and the snivelling cowards who did not have the guts to stand up to them.
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey

Libya - the power of the media and the Genocide of criminal NATO organization

Libya - the power of the media and the Genocide of criminal NATO organization from Mumbly on Vimeo.

NATO is planning mass elimination in Tripoli, Libya.

Specially for it information about 50 000 of captives kept in tunnels under Tripoli is being spreaded. Only those who have never heard about Gabbles can trust it. If Gaddafi really had such a trump card, the tribe war in Libya would be finished. But it is not a tribe war, it is actions of nowadays cannibals.


Tripoli does not give up. Every day, every hour NATO faces fierce resistance. Nobody wants to be captured as it’s the same that to be killed. Who needs it? What can this info stuffing lead to? Nobody heard about such number of captives before. And just now it was put into media sources. Why?


NATO is planning to kill civilians in Tripoli who fight the aggressor? Who struggle the NATO forces and Al Qaida members working together. Civilians fight against NATO that’s why NATO wants to kill them. Everyone! Eldery people, kids – they all will be considered Gaddafi’s soldiers. We have already seen movies about children killed by bombs…


But grown up men can be easily considered rebels killed by Gaddafi/ Why not? This lie is worse than lie about the Green Square recorded in Qatar or about Gaddafi’s soldiers killed in Majure village (in fact 12 families were burned there)


Their appetite grows. They are ready to kill 50 000 people. Or 25 000, because during the first assault of Tripoli practically the same amount of people died. One more try to get rid of those who don’t want to give up?


Sure. Nothing will stop the cannibals. There will be lots of victims. Glory to heroes who have died and will die for their Motherland.


Tripoli will not be taken. The will of people will not be broken.

We will win!

LIBYA, INOCENT CIVILANS with NATO WEAPONS from day No1 [libyasos]

War is great bussines.
But no for native people.
Organized mass murder (war) is very often justified as "justice" or moral. Indeed it is almost always the good guys against the bad guys (unless it is a war waged by mercenaries). Western wars are always in foreign countries against native peoples, so on the surface it is hard to understand why Wets is in so much denial about their empirism, colonialism, and imperialism...

LIBYA, BURNED SOLDIER (+18) [libyasos]

This is black Libyan soldier from Zalah Town. He was killed in the eastern region of Libya. Some rebels claimed that he was mercenary, but after they checked his ID they found that he was Libyan.
First they killed him and after that they tried to burn his cadaver!
Then one of the rebels told others that burning the cadaver is a sin (HARAM) in Islamic religion and he asked for blanket to cover body of the murdered sodier.

Libyan rebels are killers: Benghazi hanging #Feb17 [libyasos]

Maybe for their NATO frineds
As soon as the protests started, Islamists and criminals immediately took advantage of the situation in order to attack high-security prisons outside Benghazi where their comrades were being held. Following the liberation of their leaders, the rebellion attacked police stations and public buildings. The residents of the city woke up to see the corpses of policemen hanging from bridges.
Numerous atrocities were likewise committed against African workers, who have all been treated as "mercenaries." African workers were expelled, murdered, imprisoned, and tortured.

Libya: NATO blamed for Libyan massacre [10.08.0211.]

Libya Tripoli Holocaust The Rise Of Natioism

WARNING: GRAPHIC FOOTAGE - Children & Other Libyan Civilians Killed by NATO

Not To Be Shown on CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC or FOX - NATO's Crimes in Libya

Obama's Lie: Libya - "Humanitarian act?" (Must Watch)



Written by Sandra Barr

Im sure that there are 1000's of people like myself, who are horrified at the genocide being commited by NATO in Libya, and I am sure that most people are like myself, and feel really helpless about the situation.
This morning I descided to take a more proactive approach.
I phoned Westminster and asked how I could have David Cameron charged with war crimes and genocide. They told me to contact my local conservative office and see if they could help!!!!!
Number for Westminister 020 7219 4272.

I called the foreign Office (020 7219 4272). I was told that all complaints about the actions of NATO in Libya should be made in writing to the Foreign Office. The lady I spoke to was very sympathetic, in fact so sympathetic that she admitted she to was horrified by their actions, still she could not help me, other than the advice to document and write to the FO. I will be doing this later today.

I phoned my MP, who will call me back when he gets into his office.

NATO HQ in the Hague Netherlands, do not have a contact phone number, but I will also be emailing them.

Lastly, I phoned the International Criminal Court (0031 705 158 515). I was told to document the charges against NATO, and email it to them. I have done this, and I would urge everyone to also do it.

If enough of us shout, they have to hear us, please circulate this note, and PLEASE PLEASE, take the 5 mins to copy and paste the email, and send it to the ICC.

This is such a small thing to do, but if thousands of us inundate the ICC with these charges, they will be forced into a corner, and they will have to act. NATO are acting as if they have immunity from all international laws, and the reason they get away with so much, is because we all give off but do nothing! They must be held accountable for their crimes.

Please feel free to re-edit, correct grammar or anything else you see fit to do. the following is the email I sent:

International Criminal court email sent 26/08/2011

NATO members that have been participating in air strikes in Libya include France, Britain, the United States, Canada, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands, and Italy.

I would like to make formal charges against the NATO alliance for war crimes committed in Libya.

France, Britain, United States, Canada, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands and Italy are joint members of the NATO alliance, and have all broken their UN mandate, and committed a catalogue of war crimes in Libya.

Because of their influence over the main stream press in my country (UK), I cannot even give a full and complete list of their crimes.
But the following crimes are documented, and I demand that the ICC take appropriate action, and have the leaders of the NATO alliance charged with these heinous crimes.

13 May 2011: The murder of 11 Muslim Imams in Brega.

30 April 2011: The bombing of the Downs Syndrome School in Tripoli

30 April 2011: The bombing of a Gaddafi residence, murdering Saif Gaddafi, his friend and 3 Gaddafi children.

12 June 2011: The bombing of the University of Tripoli. Death toll not yet established.

22 July 2011: The bombing of the Great Man made Waterway irrigation system, which supplies most Libyans with their drinking water.

23 July 2011: The bombing of the factory which makes the pipes for the water system, and the murder of 6 of its employees.

8th August 2011: The bombing of the Hospital at Zliten. Resulting in the murder of a minimum, of 50 human beings, many of them children. The bombing of hospitals is against all international laws, and a most grievous crime.

9 August 2011: The bombing of the village of Majer, resulting in the murder of 85 civilians. 33 Children, 32 women and 20 men.

The persistent on going bombing of the civilian population in Zliten and Tripoli, death toll not yet established. NATO are committing genocide and I DEMAND that the ICC address this matter with urgency.

David Cameron has admitted that UK special services have assisted the terrorists on the ground, this is against the UN mandate which allowed NATO to intervene in Libya, and is a war crime.

Many of the rebels have been identified as Al Qeada members, NATO working with known terrorists is a war crime, and against all international laws.

It is also my belief that NATO lied about their reasons for invading Libya, I demand that the ICC investigate these lies, and hold the NATO alliance responsible.

I also charge the ICC with working with NATO to spread propaganda and fear among the Libyan people, namely by announcing that the NTC had in their custody Saif al Islam Gaddafi and Muhammad Gaddafi, the night the terrorists (NTC) entered Tripoli. This was lies, and clearly shows collusion between the TNC terrorists and the ICC.
Libya is not Afghanistan or Iraq, and NATO will be held accountable for their crimes in Libya.

As this is a matter of great urgency, I demand that the ICC address these charges immediately, as the genocide is on going.

I am not a lawyer, and I have no legal training, but as a citizen of the UK & EU I demand justice. NATO are acting illegally, UK tax money is financing this travesty, and under EU and international law the ICC must deal with the charges I have documented, with the utmost seriousness.

Yours Sincerely Sandra Barr

Documentary evidence of the crimes.







The following link shows that before NATO decided to bomb Libya, the UN were going to bestow a humanitarian ward to Muammar Gadaffi!

http://www.fco.gov.uk/en/ministerial-feedback-form this is the contact on line form for the British Foreign Office. I have emailed them and demanded David Cameron be arrested for war crimes.

A Libyan man shows the body of a child to journalists visiting the mortuary of a hospital in Zliten on August 9, 2011 as Libyan authorities accused NATO of a "massacre" of 85 villagers in Majer, 10 kms (six miles) south of Zliten, in air strikes in support of rebels.

The funeral of some of the murdered at Majer.

Written by Sandra Barr

A real MASSACRE by NATO in Zlitan (killing civilians: children, women..) :

Rebels killing civillian

SHOCKING: Black Libyan police man was tortured, abused and the killed for been accused "African Mercenaries"


Truth about war in Libya

Rebel's Crimes on civillians

Rebels . Libya , scandal in Benghazi.

Nato bombing civilians in Jufra Libya

These are actions of NATO

Nato bombing civilians in Tripoli

The bitter truth ( LIBYA)

The bitter truth ( LIBYA) from Mumbly on Vimeo.

Libya, things you should know.

Libya, things you should know. from Mumbly on Vimeo.

Libya Truth

NATO lost war in Libya

Please share this!

LIBYA: NATO LOST WAR [mirror] from Mumbly on Vimeo.



The Ugly Truth-Nato_CIA Libyan War!

Wag the Dog: Media blamed for covering Libya unrest with fog of war


*-Gaddafi is innocent! There were no bombardments of civilians by Gaddafi orders >> youtube.com/​watch?v=hDt92tR2YnA

*-And the "rebels" are the worst kind of scum - they kill civilians who support Gaddafi and mutilate their bodies >>
WARNING !!! Graphic Video of Libyan Rebel Beheading Gadhaffi Soldier Veterans Today - Anti Oligarch.

*-NATO airstrikes does kill civilians and children's also >>

*-Unlike western media channels Russian main state TV shows TRUTH about Libyan war >>